$ miro -f speak-to-me
This is Miro, version 0.2.33.
Copyright (c) Stochastic Solutions 2008-2009.
Seed: 1252839009
Logging to /miro/log/2009/09/13/session018
[1]> echo Hello from Miró
Hello from Miró
[2]> echo I am ☺ ; really ☻ !
I am ☺ ; really ☻ !
[3]> echo I can say 枝豆 too.
I can say 枝豆 too.
[4]> echo Très bon, Miró! Du er meget sød.
Très bon, Miró! Du er meget sød.
Logs written to /miro/log/2009/09/13/session018
What about numbers?
$ miro
This is Miro, version 0.2.33.
Copyright (c) Stochastic Solutions 2008-2009.
Seed: 1252839325
Logging to /miro/log/2009/09/13/session019
[1]> load hillstrom
hillstrom.miro: 64,000 records; 64,000 (100%) selected.
[2]> count mean spend by segment
segment count mean (spend)
Womens E-Mail 21,387 1.08
Mens E-Mail 21,307 1.42
No E-Mail 21,306 0.65
<null> 0 <null>
Logs written to /miro/log/2009/09/13/session019
But what about Europe?
$ echo $LANG
$ miro
This is Miro, version 0.2.33.
Copyright (c) Stochastic Solutions 2008-2009.
Seed: 1252839453
Logging to /miro/log/2009/09/13/session021
[1]> load hillstrom
hillstrom.miro: 64.000 records; 64.000 (100,00%) selected.
[2]> count mean spend by segment
segment count mean (spend)
Womens E-Mail 21.387 1,08
Mens E-Mail 21.307 1,42
No E-Mail 21.306 0,65
<null> 0 <null>
Logs written to /miro/log/2009/09/13/session021